Praley and Crew Win Chelsea Mariner Trophy | Annapolis to Newport Race + Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race
Congrats to Jim Praley and his crew for winning the Mariner trophy for their combined performance (in the PHRF class) in the Annapolis to Newport Race and the Biennial Marblehead-to-Halifax Ocean Race!
From the Annapolis Yacht Club blog:
Jim Praley and his crew on Shinnecock returned to Annapolis for a short break after taking 2nd place in the Annapolis to Newport Race in PHRF 1 and the J/120 Sub Class. Less than a month later, the team headed back to New England to compete in the 36th Biennial Marblehead-to-Halifax Ocean Race in the PHRF 2 Class and finished with a corrected time of 67:57:56. Based on their combined performance in both races, they were awarded the Chelsea Clock Mariner Trophy for PHRF Racing Overall. In addition to brother Michael, Praley's crew was 100% AYC with son James "Jimmy" Praley III, Cam Bowdren, David Chinea, Tarrant Lomax, and Tom Schubert.We're glad we could be a part of this tradition and wish Praley and all the other participants the best of luck in their future endeavors!